I'm sort of the forum ghost, just watching all the clunkers magically turned into new beauties, and enjoying some of the conversations here, while sort of keeping up with my kid when he's too busy to call home. But knowing well how this kind of treatment wears you down, I just had to respond.

I can understand what you're feeling Wilbur. Not to the extent that I've been targeted in anything close to this, but I did have an experience back in the years I was working that drove me to the point of wanting to do something terrible to the person responsible.

I thought of all kinds of ways I could make this person suffer as they'd me suffer with constant cigarette smoke from a vent in their office that came to the vent above my desk, causing my ears to plug up, and my lungs wheezing and barely able to breathe. The result of asking them to please go outside to smoke, resulted in insults because I was a former smoker.

When I was ready put something vile in their coffee to make them suffer, I prayed instead. And within a couple of days received an answer. It was to treat her with kindness and caring. Not what I wanted.

So I'd stopped for donuts for the office one morning, and took a couple of them to her, simply saying I thought she might enjoy them. Then I left her. A few days later I went into her office and started a normal conversation about work, and commiserated on her job. She got stacks of paper from the office she belonged to and spent her days filing the papers in a bank of file cabinets covering a whole wall.

I did this kind of thing for several weeks, and one day I realized no smoke was coming down from the vent. She'd started taking a normal break, and smoking the who cigarette.

I was wondering if you could maybe camp out with your Falcon, and have a couple of friends or family hidden somewhere to stop any violence if you destroyer threatened you.