If you've been wondering what you could do for the club, have I got a deal for you! One task I would really like to find someone to attend to is what I would call a "Marketing Guru".

The main points of the position would be:

Answer email - As anyone who ever emailed the club from the links on this website knows, the response is spotty at best (and I monitor the email so I'll take the heat for that ). We need someone who can answer them at least every 3 or 4 days. Some are people wanting information about the club, some are looking for parts, some have things to sell, and a lot is just plain spam. A lot of people also reply to the email notices they get for private messages and threads they are watching when they really need to log on to the forum and respond. Lost passwords, people wanting repair advice, how much is their grandma's Falcon worth...you name it. Most replies will be to direct them elsewhere. One perk is you are often the first to get leads on Falcons for sale in the area!

Post to craigslist and Facebook - Before meetings and events. And seek out other ways to reach our target audience.

Committee member - To organize a regional and national FCA convention some time in the future. Your role would be to help promote the event locally and/or nationally, communicate the event to other FCA chapters, and plan advertising promotions.

Those are the main functions of the job. It would probably be best if the person was local and could attend most if not all of our annual meetings and participate in as many events as possible throughout the year. But most of the work would be done from your home computer. So being internet savvy and computer friendly is a must.

I've done a lot of this in the past and would be more than happy to work with you to get things rolling and support you however I can. I'm guessing you could put 2 or 3 hours a week into this position and make a big difference.

So speak up if you're interested. You can reply here or send me a private message. I think if we had someone who could pay a little attention to promoting the club, we might be able to find a few more new members. And when we get enough people who are active in the club and willing to take on other tasks, then we can start having serious discussions about putting on a Rainier Falcon Club car show.