Hi Everyone,

I finally have membership cards in the mail to all members in good standing! Sorry for the delay but they did turn out pretty nice if I do say so myself. They are laminated with a full color logo. Look for them in the mail in the next few days. If you are a paid member and it doesn't show up, please email webmaster@rainierfalcons.com.

I'm also finishing up the next newsletter and should have it mailed by the middle of next week. There's a special full-color centerspread with lots of photos from the recent Regional in Salem. The newsletter is available only to paid members.

If you haven't joined the club yet, we hope you'll show your support and become a part of our organization. We not only need the money to keep things rolling and grow but we need your help to keep this club healthy so we encourage you to get involved. We are currently saving up to have some full-color window decals printed with the club logo so the sooner we get the funds, the sooner we get the decals.

Membership fees are due in October so if you need to renew, click on the "How to Join" link on the homepage and use PayPal or send it via the mail to the address on the application. If you paid in August you are good for the next year although we never turn down donations!

Thanks to all of you for your support!