OK...the "new" falcon was hauled home today and....besides the battery being dead (I will put a trickle charger on tonight) it is leaking transmission fluid.....not sure how much but the truck had a puddle of about 10 inches on it so it was a fair amount. I will check and see if there is any damage to the pan due to the hauling company...in any case...

It is a 3 speed automatic with overdrive...I'm assuming an AOD. what type of transmission fluid do I need? I believe I read somewhere that different brands of transmissions need different types of fluid otherwise they can be damaged?

Also....If it is empty I assume I should not start the car until I have new fluid in it?

I'm confident that it was not leaking when it left New York but can't be sure. The seller has been great and seems to be a straight up fellow but...I guess I could be wrong...
