I have a 1963 Falcon and want to replace my single reservoir brake master cylinder with a dual reservoir cylinder and am following this set of instructions:
http://www.cometeastcarclub.org/PDFs/Conversion_of_SingleBowl_to_Duel_BowlMasterCylinde r.pdf
I went to NAPA after work and picked up the items on the list in the instructions, but after looking at the parts at home, nothing matches.
I bought a 1967 Ford Mustang Master Cylinder and two 8" x 3/16" brake lines. The holes on the master cylinder are 1/2" diameter and too big for the brake line fittings. Which is incorrect, the brake lines or the master cylinder?
Loose Fit.JPG
The master cylinder holes have nipples,
A nipple.JPG
... and the 3/6" holes on the tee fitting for the taillight switch have tapered cone-shaped bottoms that the brake lines do not want to tighten against. Should the tee adapters have nipple fittings like the master cylinder?
Cone shaped hole.JPG
The other tee is straight though and has nothing for the brake line seats to push against. The brake lines say 3/16" x 8", but they also say JAPANESE. The tips of the brake lines are flat. Is that correct, or should they be conical?