I myself am always shocked when a Falcon enthusiast tells me he or she does not drive their Falcon as their main car.

Of course I can understand this if it's a nice or restored Falcon that you don't want dinged up, but that's what beater Falcons are for! I had a very nice Falcon (since sold, sadly) and a beater Falcon.

I cannot imagine somebody finding the steering of a manual steering Mustang being difficult, especially if it is a six cylinder car.

My worst car to steer was probably my MGB with the Chevy small block up front that was like steering a truck, no power steering, but it wasn't unmanageable, I barely noticed it.

Another bear of a car was my '23 T-Bucket, once you got going it was fine, as was the MGB V8, but parking the thing took some work, but nothing terrible.