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Thread: Gas tank

  1. #1

    Gas tank

    I'm looking for a 14/16 gallon gas tank for a 61' ranchero

  2. #2
    I'm not sure if yours is missing but the last I heard they weren't making new tanks for the Ranchero. They make one for the station wagon but it may be a little different and I don't know for a fact if it will work. Maybe someone knows if there is a difference?? The new tanks cost about $300 and that doesn't include the sending unit. A little pricey.

    If you have one and it's in OK shape you could get a kit and coat the inside. POR-15 makes one that gets good reviews.

    Kenny Likins
    Ballard, Seattle, WA

    `62 Tudor Sedan (`69 200, C4, 8-inch 4-lug 2.79 rearend, Duraspark II, MSD, Weber 32/36 DGEV)

  3. #3
    Watch E-bay or contact Maryland Mustang..

    They sell a new gas tank for the ranchero/station wagon. Around $250 as I just bought one from E-bay and it was sent from Maryland Mustang.

    Part-number is f55b


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