For many years I have called my self a Christian, but admit, there may not have been enough evidence, if brought to a trial to be able to convict me of being one.
My healing that I received from God last November of diseases that affected me for almost 10 years ago made me realize what Christ is about. If you google the maladies "Trigeminal Neuralgia" and "Cluster Headaches" you will see what I was going through with episodes that lasted several hours with up to 6-7 episodes a day.
Both of these diseases are called suicide diseases due to the high number of people who succumb to the pain and or results of taking so many pain medications.
What I went through doesn't compare to what my dearest darling had to handle.
She could never let me out of her sight. Several times I tore the flesh off the backs of my hands and side of my face. I would loose all cognizance of where I was, what I was doing and even what year we were in. The word pain, doesn't describe it. I have broken most of the bones in my body, been shot, almost lost my leg, broke my neck, suffered from pleurisy, etc. Nothing prepares a person for this, and no amount of medication takes the pain away.

All that is history, thanks to God's healing me.

Now to the crux of the note.

A few months ago. I came across a book called "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn. He is a Jewish "Christian" Rabbi.

That book deals with God's dealing with Israel's past transgressions of falling away from God, but primarily showing the correlation between the United States and Israel. Both nations were established primarily to serve and follow God's laws and teachings.

I won't go further into this without saying you need to read the book "The Harbinger" The harbingers are 9 warnings that happened to Israel around 732 BC. The same 9 harbingers have been manifested in America starting at 9-11-2001 and through following years.

If you know the Bible. You know the story of the 7th day being sacred as a day of rest. God also made the 7th year sacred to the Jewish people. It was a year of rest, no sowing, reaping, financial debts were eliminated and more.
That seventh year was called "Shemitah" and ended on the last day of the month of Elul on the Jewish calendar. Elul 29 was the final day to wipe away all financial dealings.

In the book of Isaiah 9:10 the verse was quoted by the Jewish leaders in response to the terrorist Assyrians invading their land. Assyria was in present day Iraq. They tore down Israel's walls and uprooted the trees. They didn't fully destroy Israel. It was a "Breach" allowed by God to get them to turn back to God. The Jewish people had fallen so far away. They were worshipping false God's and sacrificing their children on the altars of Baal and Molech.

Instead of turning back to God, they rebelled stating to God, the verse in Isaiah. " The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with hewn stone. The sycamores have fallen but we will replant with cedars". In other words, we don't need God, we will do it with our own hands.

The other 8 harbingers were then manifested and ended with the Jewish nation and temple being completely destroyed. They were removed from the country and taken to Babylon.
God, had said, if they don't let the land rest as required by the Shemitah, then they would be removed and then the ground could rest. And, so the ground did get to rest.

Now comes America. Jonathan's church is just across the river from New York. While he watched 9/11 God told him he was going to be shown all these things as they affected America. A vision I guess you would call it.

The book shows that all nine harbingers have occurred to us.

1st harbinger. "The Breach" 9/11. God took away our protection and allowed the breach of our defenses.

2nd harbinger. "The Terrorist" The same people who attacked Israel attacked us. Using the same Arabic Language.

3rd harbinger. " The Fallen Bricks" The towers fell.

4th harbinger. "The Tower" The towers were established as a symbol of our being the world leaders economically.

Read the book. It isn't a Nostradamus type of writing. I promise, you will be amazed, scared and hopefully it will show where and what is getting ready to happen.

As just a sample of what occurred and when. On 9/11 you will remember that Wall Street shut down for 6 days? Well on the 7th day Wall Street reopened and it was at that time the largest one day loss in American History. The Day???
The last day of the 7th year, Elul 29, the last day of the Shemitah. The wiping away of economies. 7% of our economy was wiped away.

Then, another shaking, go ahead 7 more years, to the end of the next Shemitah. That is September 29th of 2008. On that day, the last day of the 7th year, the last day of the Shemitah, on Elul 29, at exactly 4 PM again, as Wall Street closed, we had the largest loss again, 777.7 points on the exchange. Coincidence???? 7th year, 7% loss again, 777.7 points??

Now. If you follow along another 7 years, you get to September 23rd of 2015. Yes, this year. There is nothing saying that another shaking has to occur. But, I am going to prepare. Many believe, just read the news, that a huge catastrophic financial event is getting ready to occur. God will not be put into a box, so when dates are foretold, he can choose to totally change the outcome.

Read the book. If you want a copy, let me know, I have a few left. If some of you want to talk. Let me know. Larry