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November 7th, 2009, 09:58 PM
We're sleeping.... ;)

[yay]Wake UP!!!

Now that I have your attention -- how's everyone doing? Been pretty quiet here the past few days. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves with the nasty weather.

Me, I'm just trying to finally sort through the last of the 25 boxes or so of "stuff" I got for helping someone arrange their garage after their father passed on. Got through the last box tonight (finally -- 3 months later). Got a dang-ged hardware store out there now. Now have enough room to look at doing a little fiberglass project in the back of the wagon.

What's going on with some of you? Does everyone know about the bowling gig Joanna's working on? Check out that thread if not.

See you guys-

November 8th, 2009, 09:35 AM
Rainy weather, short days...I'm working on a basement project. Clearing out a couple of small rooms that are next to the garage and I plan on making them into one larger room. Then I'll bust through to the garage and turn this larger room into a workshop area. I may even be able to move enough stuff into the new room to pull the Falcon inside the garage!!

Joanna's going to write an email about our bowling event and I'll send it out to everyone who's subscribed to the forum in a couple of days. I haven't been bowling in awhile so I'm looking forward to it!

November 8th, 2009, 12:24 PM
I thought it was quiet, but was afraid the Rapture had occurred and didn't want to ask if I was the only person left. Guess I didn't miss it. :banana:
Really haven't had time to do much except work, do my honey do list and sand sand sand. If any of you have color sanded a whole car by hand you know what I mean.
After sanding this much I have changed my mind about applying more coats of clear over the clear. I have the car almost complete at 600 grit and will start sanding it all over again with 1200, then 2000 and then 3000. The smoother grits are a lot lot easier once you get the orange peel removed with the 600. Then I will start buffing what I have, soon I hope.
It was a good plan to add more coats of clear but at my age sanding that long is not good for cramping old hands.

November 8th, 2009, 01:28 PM
I'm so glad The Rapture hasn't happened. I didn't want to miss it either!

I guess I've been pretty much lazier than you & Kenny. I got a new car cover for the Ranchero last week, and haven't even put it on yet. However, in my defense I have been busy rebuilding my computer. I started the upgrade to the new OS, and did something wrong when formating my backup disc. I couldn't get back into XP, and had to use DOS (fortunately I kinda remember how to do that) to recover what I could from the 'C' drive. Then had to start fresh with the install, and........ it's been a long week! I'm now using the new OS and it appears to being hummin' along just fine!

Anyway, after I get caught up on my honeydo's, maybe I can get out to the garage for a little puttin' things back together.

November 8th, 2009, 08:51 PM
I'm so glad The Rapture hasn't happened. I didn't want to miss it either!

Well, being a post-tribulation-ist, I hope you don't mind if I drive your cars around while you two are away... :) [thumb]

Oh... and I should mention Gene was being a very civil servant the other night as I drove up to post my ballot and there he was sitting out in the cold taking ballots from people who didn't want to get out of their car (like me). I should have come back with a hot chocolate or something, but I know, I'm worthless.


November 8th, 2009, 08:54 PM
Clearing out a couple of small rooms that are next to the garage and I plan on making them into one larger room. Then I'll bust through to the garage and turn this larger room into a workshop area. I may even be able to move enough stuff into the new room to pull the Falcon inside the garage!!!

If you need any nails or sheetrock nails or screws -- I got thousands of them now. Joist hangers? Got them too. Wire, plugs, switches? Got lots. LEt me know.

BillP 98201
November 9th, 2009, 07:25 AM
Well wouldnt you know it.... got 3 days off and was sick for 2 :bicker:
Been messing around on PC. Has anybody checked out the hubs garage site? You can post photos of your car. There are some nice Falcons there. Will finish refinishing some furniture, and of course reorganizing my basement this week. Good luck Kenny.

November 9th, 2009, 08:39 PM

I know how that is. I can't count the times I work and work and work and finally take a vacation to come down with something just when it starts. It's one thing when you have a "staycation", but it's quite another when you travel somewhere.

Can you post a link to that site you mention?

One site I stumbled onto lately is:


Pretty cool forum on this site.

BillP 98201
November 9th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Roger here is the addy to HubsGarage. Hope you enjoy it. There is a club section too.

http://www.hubgarage.com/ :BEER:

November 10th, 2009, 11:09 AM
I've been trying to keep the Blog I started up to date, but, I'll try to summarize here....

We got ANOTHER block from Jeff W that appears to never have been bored. Hauled it over to Carter's place last weekend. We might save those +.040 pistons yet! I think Carter's intention is to finish my engine and then build another from the second block we got (from Modified 17), and a C4 from all our leftover parts, and then sell them to recover money he's paid out to recover from the... um ...dropped block.

In the meantime, I took home the alternator from our first engine and installed it in Freddie. That was MY big project!

November 10th, 2009, 09:31 PM
If you need any nails or sheetrock nails or screws -- I got thousands of them now. Joist hangers? Got them too. Wire, plugs, switches? Got lots. LEt me know.

Thanks Roger. I may take you up on that! I just got most of the trim taken down tonight and some of the paneling. One room is all tongue & groove cedar that I want to salvage so that will slow down the demolition :doh:

I'll email when I'm ready for supplies and see what you have.