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View Full Version : Dues

Jerry Kirby
March 23rd, 2010, 08:18 PM
I would like to pay my dues by check. Who do I mail it to?

Jerry Kirby

March 23rd, 2010, 09:08 PM

Jeff Watson is the treasurer, so he'll have to let you know when he logs in.


Jeff W
March 23rd, 2010, 10:36 PM
Hi Jerry, there is a downloadable form on the "home" page. "How to join".

The link below should also take you there.

http://www.rainierfalcons.com/rainierapp.pdf (http://www.rainierfalcons.com/rainierapp.pdf)

The form has information and the address to send a check the old fashioned way.

Please disregard the mention of the 1/2 year pro-rating... that was created before we figured out how to allow the computer to track the join date and send out reminders. We have to update that form.

Thanks in advance for supporting the club.
