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View Full Version : Weekly Clearview Saturday Cruise-in

October 15th, 2006, 07:24 PM
Hi guys and gals,

I think I mentioned this before on the old list but hadn't gone to it before so I thought I'd post about it. Every week there is a cruise-in (as in you cruise-in and park ;) ) in Clearview in the Albertsons parking lot. It's on Hwy 9 about 10 min. north of Woodinville on the west side of the street, in the south end of the lot between McDonald's and Shuck's. It starts about 4-5pm and goes till when people decide to leave. I left at 7pm and there were still a few cars there

I went there yesterday as I hadn't been before and figured this might be the last good weather we may have for awhile. It was a small group- maybe 6-10 cars coming and going during the time I was there, but everyone was friendly and I saw some people I've met at other shows- one several years ago.

There were two falcons including mine, and two people there that had falcons at home. After talking with people there, my assumption is that people come year round as long as the weather is not bad, and then it really picks up in the spring. It's nice to know there is a place to go to meet with other car people and a reason to exercise the bird when we have a dry day during the off season. If you live close enough, check it out!