View Full Version : TV commercial filming by Spokane looking for early falcon wagon

May 24th, 2011, 05:41 PM

I know some of you may have seen a note from Roger about this but he recommended I post one of my own. We are filming a commercial for Cathay Airlines and they are doing a flashback to 1970's Australia which is where one of their pilots took lessons. We are filming this at the Wilbur Airfield by Spokane and are looking for stock 1960-63 wagons, and maybe rancheros, though they are leaning towards the wagons now. A 64' wagon wouldn't be out of the question either.
We are scheduled to film on June 3rd. and we are willing to pay $250 to rent the right car for the day.
If you are interested, the sooner the reply, the better as my bosses are in a hurry to get a car lined up.
Thanks for looking and I hope we can interest you in being involved.
If any of the western WA members are interested, we could arrange trailering the car over there if need be.
thanks again,
David Bowen

May 25th, 2011, 03:05 PM

I have a member of rainier falcons "east" as we call it.. that happens to have a 61 ranchero that would be nice enough to use in a commercial.
Problem is he is currently out of town through the weekend. I left a message with his wife, hopefully he gets in touch with you.

I can offer my 61 falcon futura sedan if all else fails..


May 25th, 2011, 03:45 PM
we might have one lined up, but not 100% thanks for putting the word out-


May 25th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Well you might be getting a phone call from a gentleman named cliff who has a 61 ranchero that would be great for a commercial.
