View Full Version : Headlights

August 23rd, 2011, 05:35 PM
While I was in Reno I discovered that my headlights needed aimed higher. So I began the simple task of adjusting. NOT!!!!!!!! All of the adjusting locations were loose and none worked. Is there a simpler attachment for the adjustment screws over the stock piece of crap attachments. Would a simple clip or slip on nutplate work in those square holes? Larry Badbird

September 20th, 2011, 05:37 PM
I posted this originally when I got back from Reno, but due to body odor or bad breath or maybe it was just a stupid question?? :WHATTHE: Anyway no one wanted to talk to me, so I pouted for awhile and then came up with something that works really well.

I have attached a picture of the little part I used. It is for a license plate attachment. It is the same size square as the headlight adjustment location. It sure beat trying to get the flimsy two piece junk to work and I probably had it on backwards or something anyway. Thought you might want to see, even if you don't like me, I still like all of you.:banana:

The 1st pic is of the old parts, and the 2nd is the new part. Got my headlights aimed better so hopefully, see you all tomorrow night at the meeting. Not that I have an inferiority complex, but someone else better show up. :ROTFLMAO: Badbird.

Jeff W
September 20th, 2011, 09:47 PM
One of mine was broken and I bought the little "HELP" kit from NAPA, two plastic inserts and two screws. Junk... the broken one was actually more secure than the loose fitting garbage I bought. In the end I used silicone to glue the new plastic nut in the hole. I like your solution better and will use it if mine lets go.

September 20th, 2011, 10:57 PM
Larry - we like you. :BEER: :)

I never saw this post - and I look quite often, but usually to the recents on the first page I get to. It must have been a busy day when you posted and that screen only shows 5 posts.

I just went through this same thing and used some from the Help! parts too, like Jeff, but I could not find any that had the correct square diameter. 62/3 must use a different size - since I too looked at using the license plate inserts. They didn't fit. I found a set that were rectangular rather than square and opened the holes up as needed. I agree with Jeff - crap stuff. The original bits are not available in the catalogs - which is odd. Should be a simple thing to reproduce and everyone seems to need them.

Glad you got it all aiming correctly now.