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View Full Version : Fuel spill bib for your Falcon

February 23rd, 2012, 10:01 PM
I know a few of us still have cars you can't fill without risking a burp of gas down the side of it. Saw this think in Hot Rod magazine and thought it might be worth looking into:


February 23rd, 2012, 11:23 PM
A $15 towel with a hole in it?? And doesn't come with a zip-loc bag? I see a marketing opportunity here: Get towels made with our club logo and we have a hole cutting party.

BillP 98201
February 24th, 2012, 08:11 AM
I can see it now Roger selling the "WIAI Fill Towel" at all the local swap meets spreading the "disease"! :ROTFLMAO:
Do you think they will work? I would buy one, if I thought i didnt have to mess with gas cans again! Can we make our own?Or should i just move the filler to the trunk?

February 24th, 2012, 08:01 PM
A $15 towel with a hole in it??

It's a patent pending hole. :p

I think a supply of 15x30 6-mil plastic sheets with a hole and a funnel that is stretched into that would be far better. Who wants a gas soaked towel? And then what? Through it in with my laundry? :confused:

The more I thought about it - the more foolish I thought it to be. But I may play with a plastic version... in my spare time.