View Full Version : Road trip to Kennedy Space Center

April 20th, 2014, 05:36 PM
My Falcon scored several "firsts" this weekend. My first coast to coast drive on Saturday (Gulf Coast to Atlantic). Took my mother in her first ride in the Falcon (She thought that it had a smooth ride and that I drove too fast :)). And my first overnight road trip (spent the night at my mother's house in Orlando).

My mother and I drove over to Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island. My father worked there from Mercury through Sky Lab and ended up as a Saturn V rocket engine mechanic (How cool is that??!!). I grew watching Apollo moon launches and still think that all of this is just incredible. This "Restricted Area" sign is on the causeway heading over to Merritt Island.


I could see the Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) in the distance (little thing above wiper arm) as we were driving across the causeway. That is where they stacked the three stages of the moon rockets prior to launch. It used to be, and maybe still is, the largest enclosed structure in the world.


I will entitle this shot as "Falcons have the Right Stuff".


You can see what is called the "Rocket Garden" in the back ground. The spacecraft with the red escape rockets on top are (from left to right) a Mercury / Redstone (Alan Shepard, 1st American in space) and Mercury / Atlas (John Glenn 1st American in orbit). The biggest one between the Mercurys is a Gemini / Titan. The first astronauts were riding converted ballistic missiles (ICBMs) into space. NASA just substituted a spacecraft for the nuclear warhead.


Here is the entrance to the visitors center.

I added 288 miles to the odometer this weekend and the Falcon performed flawlessly. It starts easily, idles smoothly and very quietly, and accelerates instantly and without hesitation. I am absolutely happy with this car. It has made driving FUN again! It is my magic carpet ride to anywhere I point it.

April 21st, 2014, 09:15 AM
Very cool Dennis, I will see if I can do another ride here soon. Love to see the Falcons on the road...:D

April 21st, 2014, 10:06 PM
My father worked there from Mercury through Sky Lab and ended up as a Saturn V rocket engine mechanic (How cool is that??!!). I grew watching Apollo moon launches and still think that all of this is just incredible.

Then you can tell us.. was it all done in a movie sound stage?


Way cool history. I was a space geek as a kid still enjoy watching space-related documentaries and movies.

And you probably do drive too fast.