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View Full Version : Chapter by-laws

July 27th, 2007, 06:36 PM
When I try and open the by-laws PDF file from the “About Rainer Falcons” page, I get an error message.

I wanted to see the by-laws because I am wondering if the Rainer Falcons could be organized as a 501-c-3 with nonprofit status. If so (and this might be a bit of a stretch), it might be possible to receive funding from Foundations (or venders) to run “How To” workshops. The benefit would be that the club would be able to buy the parts required for the demonstrations using money received from grants.

I would be happy to look into this, and suppose the first step see if there are any foundations that fund “How To” workshops for classic automobiles.

In the meantime, can someone kindly eMail me the by-laws?
