View Full Version : Mini-Regional Goodie Bags - Donations Needed!

May 14th, 2014, 09:48 PM
At the meeting, we decided to start a couple of new threads (which I will make stickies) so as not to muck up the other Mini-Regional thread.

We are putting together 50 bags filled with...goodies! Something that might be of interest to a vintage car buff, restaurant coupons, widgets, schwag, you name it. Maybe you or someone in your family works for a company that has a small product or offer you can donate.

Griot's is supplying an 8 oz. sample of one of their car care products. At the meeting, Don had a source (son?) who said they could donate a baseball cap and the actual bag! My wife works for a promotional marketing company and she's going to ask them to donate something that we get to pick.

But...we need a grand organizer of all this. In the other thread, Steve mentioned this might be doable for him. Steve...still interested? I don't want to put you on the spot so if you're overloaded with something else going on, I'm sure someone can take this on.

I'm envisioning the person would keep a list of what's been volunteered. Then keep in contact with the person donating to make sure they come through. And then make sure it all ends up in Tacoma on show day. You can assemble that morning before 10:00 or maybe try and get things shipped to you so it's done early.

So discuss! And if you have a small item or offer you can donate, this would be the place to post it.

May 19th, 2014, 06:36 PM
Kenny I'm on board. I've had a little experience with this before so I have a plan already. I'll touch base with you and the powers that be before I start the process. I think we can do well and hopefully spark a whole lot of new interest in th club and nationally as well. Let the fun begin. :rocker:

May 20th, 2014, 07:00 AM
Well I guess I've stuck my foot in now. Looks like I will be your main donation supervisor??
So anyone that might have an idea or some thing to contribute to our efforts, get in touch with me and over the next week or so I am compiling a list of possible vendors and sponsors that might be able to help make our event a success.
Don if you are still on board let me know and maybe between the two of us we can push this deal forward.
I think we are going to use 50 cars as our base number, so if the are any things we need in quantity we should shoot for that IE: bags, business card, and smaller schwag type stuff. As for larger raffle items or door prizes I guess the more the merrier.
As always any ideas, help or suggestions are welcome. Thanks and we will be posting soon. Steve [thumb]

May 20th, 2014, 11:58 AM
Almost forgot! We did get a donation for the raffle at the swap meet. It's a hex/torx socket set donated by a gentleman from BC Canada. Sorry, I forget his name.

I had it marked so I'm hoping Roger grabbed it when packing up.

May 20th, 2014, 12:02 PM
And I will donate a basket of whole coffee beans, instant VIA coffee, and some tea. One of the "perks" of working for Starbucks is a free coffee or tea per week so I can save up for a couple of months and make something nice.

May 20th, 2014, 12:44 PM
I had it marked so I'm hoping Roger grabbed it when packing up.

You mean that wasn't for me? :bicker:

OK, I'll give it back.

May 20th, 2014, 12:45 PM
One of the "perks" of working for Starbucks is a free coffee or tea per week...

So you're saying we really should have about 3 or 4 employee's worth of Starbucks raffle donations...

May 20th, 2014, 12:48 PM
I think if we have 50 cars, we should shoot for at least 50 raffle prizes. Or more. I recall we are giving away 2 raffle tickets, but are we selling more - or just leave it so it is a better chance everyone wins something?

May 20th, 2014, 07:20 PM
So you're saying we really should have about 3 or 4 employee's worth of Starbucks raffle donations...

You would think so! Hint! Hint!

don b
May 21st, 2014, 10:48 AM
I saw my son yesterday and O'Reillys Auto Parts is still on board for the 50 hats and prize bags. I will see if he can have them by the show in Puyallup on May 31st at the O'Reillys Warehouse in Puyallup. And I will also see about other prizes as I talk to people around Tacoma.

May 21st, 2014, 12:40 PM
Cool thanks Don, keep me posted and that's a great head start. I will probably be giving away several powder coat gift certificates. Do you guys think a couple higher dollar ones would be better or four or five say $50 ones??
So far so good we have hats, bags, powder coating, and coffee!!:D

May 26th, 2014, 07:11 AM
Spoke with a friend of mine at one of the shows that does printing and stuff. He his usually the guy they go to for all the dash plaques and flyers for the shows over here. He has done a lot of business with my shop and actually owes me a fair bit of money right now. Soo I asked him if he would like to trade out some of the money he owes me for some dash plaques.
He said yes so can I get them less expensively if you guys can let me know what we want on them and how many? I'm guessing at least 50.
I think we should also include in the bags registration forms for our club as well as the national club.
Ok that is all for now!

Jeff W
May 26th, 2014, 10:19 AM
I think we should also include in the bags registration forms for our club as well as the national club.

Brilliant! I can print off a stack of each on a laser printer.

May 26th, 2014, 10:44 AM
Cool thanks Jeff.

May 26th, 2014, 04:41 PM
Steve - if your friend does the dash plaques to work off some credit then it's like you're paying for them. I probably haven't mentioned it on the forum but at the last meeting I volunteered my wife to get them. She works in the schwag industry and will get wholesale pricing (probably 50ยข each?). She actually volunteered herself and was excited she could do something to help.

And then the club budget would pay for it. And I've been working with Joanna on the design, just need to pick a size. Sorry I forgot to bring that up earlier. Have you already started something with your friend?

May 26th, 2014, 04:44 PM
Nope just a thought. I mentioned it to him and he was ok with it. Nothing in stone. You run with it and I'll focus on my list of vendors. Thanks for letting me know. [thumb]

June 3rd, 2014, 09:39 AM
Just pinging this to the top again.

Don dropped off the O'Rielly bags and caps at the BCC show, so that's the start of the goodie bags. Thanks Don and son! We are still in need of other items, about 50 of each, so please ask around locally and see if you can come up with anything. Let's not all assume others are going to take care of this. You Starbucks people, maybe Starbucks schwag? I'm trying to get something from UPS, where Lila works, but so far looking like only Raffle item quantities.

As Kenny said to me yesterday, we are down to 14 weeks! so if you volunteered at a meeting to make some calls, or know where 50 of something is - cool car like - let us know!

Kenny has been working feverishly, as has Joanna, to get artwork, flyers, postcards done. Thanks! I'm just wrapping up a mail to the FCA to get notice in the newsletter (awaiting high-res material). That I'll send tonight.

Let's all be present and aware of the date and make this a great show.


Jeff W
June 3rd, 2014, 11:39 AM
So you're saying we really should have about 3 or 4 employee's worth of Starbucks raffle donations...

Just saw this... Yes you can count on me for a Coffee Basket...

June 3rd, 2014, 04:34 PM
Ok here is my latest update: I have emailed several of our Falcon supply houses and gotten a very good response. So I ask that no one contact any vendor unless you check with me first please. We don't want to bombard these guys with emails from several different people.
I have commitments from some of them already and they will be mailing the items directly to me and I will keep the club officers informed of what is coming in.
If you have contact info for companies you want me to contact that I may not have thought about send me a pm or post it here and I will reach out to them with our information. Ok thanks everyone and let's make this a Falcon event to remember. :D

June 4th, 2014, 10:55 AM
Obvious vendor might be FalconParts.com and you've mentioned the others already in your PM's. Most might be willing to send a couple of raffle items, but may also send postcards, pens, and other assorted "branded" trinkets. Of these we need 50 or so of each. One for each goodie bag.

June 4th, 2014, 12:21 PM
Falcon parts has been contacted. I can put a list up if you like? I add to it every day so it would be an ongoing thing.
I've hit all the obvious one, especially if you do a search for falcon parts. I'm going to send off to summit, and Jegs. Probably hit Willwood, SSBC, maybe scare bird? Global west etc etc. :D

June 4th, 2014, 12:30 PM
Scarebird might be a good one, considering they are still using my hands and Gary's McD's car online as models for their Falcon setup. :D

No need to list it all here - leave some of it as surprises.

We ought to make you an officer of the club and then you can access the secret site. All in favor?

What title to give you? Hmmm. Head of Appropriations. How does that sound?

June 4th, 2014, 12:35 PM
How about captain BS'er! :ROTFLMAO:

I can keep you posted on the detail through pm or however you want to do it but I will be diligently working on this up to the event. Would love to see this go down real well. [thumb]

June 4th, 2014, 01:01 PM
How about Eastwood? For our restoration needs:D

June 4th, 2014, 01:58 PM
I'm definitely in favor. I'll even campaign for him. He's Brave, Loyal, Reverent, Friendly, Clean, but I don't know about Thrifty.

June 25th, 2014, 08:42 AM
Well just a quick update for all of you.. Got commitments from several vendors sending us some door prizes and raffles, but its tough this year. I think we started a little late as far as raffles go. Most of the vendors say they have already given out or commited to other events and don't have anything left in their budget this year..
However that being said I know we have several of our club members stepping up with items they have made or their company's make. I will be donating several gift certificates for powder coating myself, so if you or your company have anything that you might be able to give to help us make this event a great success please contact me or one of the club officers and let us know. Thanks everyone for your support!!

June 25th, 2014, 10:24 AM
Thanks for all you are doing Steve. I'm sure once you have everything in your possession you have committed to you, and we have a chance to tally it all up, there still may be room in the budget to purchase some of the more grand prizes. We'll be fine.

I'm making a nice pile at my place as well, and got a few donations from UPS, thanks to Lila.

Keep your eyes open at garage sales too, if you see any. Nifty items show up at these all the time. Vintage goodies.

If anyone has any left-over project goodies (AKA Parts) they want to donate, we can allow for attendees to choose their raffle item and maybe get that upgrade they are needing. I expect to have a pretty good pile of this sort of thing.

So again, thanks Steve, but everyone else keep your eyes open. Leave the "calling of vendors" to Steve, so their is only one voice from the club calling around (post your suggestion here, as always), but looking for things in your local community, or garage, is a resource everyone can participate in.

June 25th, 2014, 10:35 AM
That's a good idea, I have found since my restoration is coming to an end ?? :ROTFLMAO: I have an extra windshield gasket, and some other small things I can kick in too. I'll keep after the big boys as well. Also getting some links too. http://nwcam.com/CruiseNews.html?step=3&id=4638. :D

July 17th, 2014, 10:48 PM
Just bringing this thread to the top again.

We're doing pretty well on raffle items now - Steve has been doing well trying to get vendors to donate, though many already filled their quotas for the year before we came along. So at this point the need is goodie bag items. At the meeting we had some good suggestions and Joanna is going to make a nice Falcon related calendar. A suggestion was made that maybe a good restaurant near you may be willing to offer discount coupons or something?

Please be thinking on this and make suggestions for what would be good inclusions to the goodie bag. Keep in mind we're shooting for stuffing 50 bags.

August 12th, 2014, 02:41 PM
Well I had these two MC laying around so I powder coated them. What do you think about putting together a kit for the dual MC kit? I'm donating the MC and powder coat.

August 12th, 2014, 09:58 PM
Great idea Steve!! [BOW]

I've got the rest of the components for the conversion and will bring them to the meeting. Unless I'm just being paranoid, we may want to include a disclaimer with them re: club liability. Have a professional install, etc...

August 12th, 2014, 10:07 PM
Agreed on that. You never know these days. Ok I'll toss them in the prize pile. Got a few more items as well. Should I bring them to the meeting? When is the meeting?

August 13th, 2014, 07:51 PM
I had to go track down my notes from the last meeting. I've got Weds. Aug. 27th as the next meeting. We normally would have had it the third Weds. of Sept. but moved it so we can do some last minute planning before the Mini-Regional.

August 14th, 2014, 12:03 AM
Yes, bring everything on the 27th. I'll be bringing all I have too. Since I may be hauling a PA system I want to pass all I have to someone who's gonna be there and can manage it all.