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View Full Version : Ford 9 inch

December 18th, 2014, 08:43 PM
If anyone has an extra Ford 9 inch rear end setting around that you don't want I am interested. I would like to go to a lower gear ratio so I can leave longer black stripes :NERVOUS:. The 3:35 or whatever I have is good for cruising at speeds but not for hot rodding. I also will transform it to rear discs at the same time.

December 23rd, 2014, 09:27 AM
Order a new rebuilt 9" tracloc off Ebay. The guy was pretty knowledgeable and shipped it with all the gaskets and the friction modifier. The car isn't moving under it's own power yet, so the jury is still out, but he apparently got good feedback ratings. I'm sure we can find his info if interested.

I'd guess you'd want a full setup built with your required gears (since you have tracloc already) and then sell off the other one. I'd not be throwing anything used and unknown into that car and then make longer black marks... considering yours is new and finely tuned by your neighbor.

The other option would be to get the gear-set you want and take on the task of replacing them on your existing punkin and learning the setup of rear-gears. Fun stuff!

December 23rd, 2014, 07:40 PM
Thanks Roger, I like the idea of changing my gears instead of the whole rearend. I think that would be the least expensive option. Thanks again.

December 24th, 2014, 08:10 AM
Just remember that gear-oil modifier stinks to high-heaven and if you have the punkin out for a while to change the gears you may have to wrap up the housing in a bag and tape it off to keep from having to condemn your house and furniture due to never getting the smell out of it.

Be sure to post some pics of the process. I don't think there is a tutorial on the site yet.