View Full Version : My Quandary

August 14th, 2018, 11:10 PM
As many of you know I've been working nearly around the clock for nearly a year to get the house where my now-wife lives (just had 1st anniversary last month) ready so I can move there. Technically I do live there too, but have none of my stuff there.

Among the many items on my list has been the building of a garage sufficient to store my 5 pounds of stuff that is currently stuffed into a 1 pound bag (as someone who came to look at Freddie once said). Well, that garage is taking forever to build due to who knows what. I've been trying to hire a drainage engineer for a couple months and nobody seems interested in helping me - for their fee. I really need to get my house on the market, while there is one, and this has forced me to downsize drastically and to do so I am having an estate sale of epic proportions at the end of October. http://www.girlfriendsestatesales.com/2018-10-26-lynnwood-estate-sale/. I am selling about 90% of my estate; keeping just what I need and letting everything else go. It will be an interesting and yet gut-wrenching weekend. I've got a lot of stuff.

And no, not the Ranchero or my pickup.

In preparations for this I am trying to decide what to do with all the Falcon parts I've collected - or have been left with me post-swap meet(s). I don't want to trash it all, but storage is also not something I want to do either. I may be forced to store it nonetheless since I doubt I'll be able to sell it at an estate sale or get myself to throw it all away. I'm not yet sure all that I have stored up there, but there is a lot of car parts up there. I'm going to make a list and post them here on the forum in the very near future.

Anyway, just posting this so everyone knows why I'm not following up quickly to posts - or participating in club stuff.

August 15th, 2018, 06:55 AM
Tough decisions to be sure, Roger. I wish my shop didn't have all my brother in law's junk in it (most that is never used) or I would offer to store some things here.

August 15th, 2018, 05:33 PM
Yep, I feel your pain a little, .my last visit I cleaned out the garage and we got rid of our storage unit we were paying way too much for...the cost was more than the stuff in it was worth. I rented a U-Haul truck and at the dump they charged me for 1800 pounds of stuff that I put in the dump! I couldn’t believe it.
I had a sick feeling about it, but I can’t keep paying for it, no time to Craig’s list it, and no more place to put it all. The reality, I doubt I will miss any of it.

October 18th, 2018, 09:57 PM
Here's an update for what's happening.

1) I've pretty-much moved to the Southern Estate (SE) now. Certainly feels good to have that behind me. Still lots to sort out/through, but no longer pulling clothes out of a box to wear everyday.

2) The Ranchero and my '66 pickup are at the SE now, as well, though there is no garage yet for them. The Ranchero, at least, is under the ghetto garage.

3) It took about 6 weeks of nearly 12 hour days (on average) with nearly no breaks or days off to go through all of the stuff I had, and Lila had, to decide what we were going to keep and what we were gonna sell. Click on the link in the first thread to see an update on the sale, with list and pictures. They added a day to the sale because there was far too much for a standard 2-day sale. Suffice it to say, it is pure insanity there. I can only hope and pray a big chunk of it sells. I am selling some of the equipment I had too, so someone is going to get some good deals. The sale is next weekend (Oct. 25-27).

4) Have been trying for months to get a civil engineer to the SE to get this garage project going, but have had no calls until just about a week ago. The engineer said, "What triggered the need for a drainage engineer is because the building is over 750 sq. ft." After learning what it would cost for their service and the work and all, it took me less that 5 seconds to decide I could easy make due with a smaller garage footprint. So, now awaiting the builder to offer a redesign. I'm a bit PO'd I wasn't notified by [ insert whoever here ] that this was a threshold I could have avoided. 864 sq. ft. and 750 sq. ft. isn't hard to adjust to. Especially now that I'm selling off all the stuff I was planning to use/store.


Jeff W
October 19th, 2018, 11:06 PM
Good luck with the sale. I looked at the pictures on th auction website. You’z gots lots of stuff!

October 20th, 2018, 12:12 AM
Holy cow you are not kidding about epic proportions....those pictures went on forever. You are quite a collector!

October 20th, 2018, 12:54 AM
You have more stuff than I could ever imagine. BUT, SELLING WEEPY THE WEE WEE? Good luck Roger. Larry

October 22nd, 2018, 10:09 PM
Of course, after a couple weeks of no rain, the first day of rain is forecast for Thursday.


Also, that isn't all my stuff either. Lot's came up from the south-end. But yeah, a lot of it was mine - all boxed away for slowly being sold-off on ebay to support my retirement. Lacking the garage to store it... it's gotta go. Or at least get widdled down. After the sale I'll see what's left and decide what to do with it. I suspect Goodwill will get a sizable donation, but some is too valuable and I'll have to probably store it. Meeting with a realtor tomorrow to see about getting the house listed.

Busy times.

Larry, you could get the wee wee - or the bobble-head Jesus. I was torn to sell either, but would be happy if you got either of them.


October 26th, 2018, 11:41 PM
The sale has been going far better than any of us expected. Tomorrow (Saturday) is 50% off day and will probably clear a lot of what remains out - if they're things people want. I drove out there last night after what was a very high-dollar day (double any guesses we had) expecting a big dent and was very surprised how much was still left. Shocked, in fact. Today was about a third (dollar-wise) and so I suspect there was not as big a dent made yet. Will report back tomorrow evening or Sunday what kind of a mess I've been left with. Then comes the clean-up, boxing up what's left, scrapping some, Goodwilling others, setting things at the curb for free - and then work begins on the house with the hope to get it on the market by the middle of November.


On that note the meeting, again, may be short and sweet again - on the second Wednesday of November this time due to the Thanksgiving holiday timing.

December 13th, 2018, 11:31 PM
Just a quick update (since I didn't).

The sale was awesome. Easily made enough to recoup all we paid for that stuff. Probably not much in the way of profit, but certainly didn't loose money - even with the commission. Even still - it took over 30 loads to Goodwill and a few trips of kept items (too good for Goodwill) to empty out the place. Then I spent about 4 weeks doing a full repaint and grounds cleanup to get the house on the market. Finally got it listed on the 5th of December... and got an offer the following week and am in the middle of that sale; and hoping all goes well there. If all goes well closing is in early January!


On the garage front, there was that 750 sq ft thing I mentioned requiring a huge drainage assessment. Over a month has past since learning this and getting these builders to help me move this forward is like pulling teeth. It's very obvious they don't do anything until I call them. Then I get a note - then nothing until I contact them again. I don't often get mad, but I'm being pushed to the edge with this. If I didn't already have a contract and a large deposit I'd walk in a heartbeat. I wrote them a letter (of sorts) today telling them they are on notice. Probably won't help.


August 9th, 2019, 11:05 AM
Just wanted to post an update about this garage thing. As some of you know I fired the previous garage builder because it was growing very clear they had zero clue what it takes to build in the city limits. A two year, $4000, error in judgment. I had talked to a builder during a Tacoma home show and he sounded very knowledgeable and so I called them up after getting a closure refund with the other builder. He came out and gave us a quote, telling us what we could and could not do, and after submitting these plans to us and getting our approval - he headed to the city... only to be turn ed around because he didn't draw the trees in the site plan. But adding those as of yesterday he went back and walked out with our permit!!! OMG, I'm beside myself. What going with the right folks can change. So, hopefully, in the next 10-12 weeks (the lead time of truss delivery) I may be able to work in a garage again! Or at least park in one. Power will come afterward, and here's a kick in the pants... new regulations require I setup the garage with the ability to charge an electric car! The next Ranchero upgrade, maybe?

August 9th, 2019, 12:38 PM
So what are the measurements for the garage, Roger. We're looking to move to another place over here in Ellensburg and my requirement is it has to have a shop. Looking at a place tonight with three acres and, if it works out, I'll probably try to go at 30'X45' stick built. If I can get what I want with a pole structure and have space I may try a little bigger. My daughter really wants an indoor batting cage for the next three years and I have a 3/4 ton, Falcon, RV and 15 bicycle collection to put into a shop

August 9th, 2019, 09:47 PM
Scott. you'll no doubt have far less hassle out there building whatever you need. Seattle has gone mad. I'm as large as I can go without added distress, which is what I was dealing with before, going larger than "an easy permit" permits. The maximum, which is what I'm going with, is 24x30. I'll add a lean-to and an outdoor room for the compressor so I should have plenty of shop space and car working space. More than I've ever had.

September 7th, 2019, 09:13 PM
Found a contractor selling plans and a truss package for a 36'X48'. 10' ceilings in part and peaked in the other section which would work for a lift in the future. The apartment area in the floor plan will change to an office, 1/2 bath and storage room. On the left elevation I'll get rid of the right window and replace with a single 10'x9' overhead door



September 7th, 2019, 11:44 PM
Wow, you guys are both building dream garages!:BEER:
Roger, I’m losing track. After you add the electric Ranchero (Rancherolectric) does that get you back to three falcons?
Funny thing is- I think that would be a great project, and you could probably make it faster than all the gas falcons.

September 11th, 2019, 12:46 AM
Found a contractor selling plans and a truss package for a 36'X48'. 10' ceilings in part and peaked in the other section which would work for a lift in the future. The apartment area in the floor plan will change to an office, 1/2 bath and storage room. On the left elevation I'll get rid of the right window and replace with a single 10'x9' overhead door.

Scott, that's gonna be nice. I'd have loved a larger space as originally planned, but that was why I have nothing as of yet. I've been trying to get an actual schedule from these guys I'm using, but so far it's still vapor. I'm, of course, a bit shell-shocked from the last experience, so I'm sure it's gonna go smoother than the last.

September 11th, 2019, 12:53 AM
Wow, you guys are both building dream garages!:BEER:
Roger, I’m losing track. After you add the electric Ranchero (Rancherolectric) does that get you back to three falcons?
Funny thing is- I think that would be a great project, and you could probably make it faster than all the gas falcons.

Don, my dream garage would have been the last design, but it'll be plenty big enough for my needs.
Other than my 66 F100, I have only the Ranchero now.
And yes, If built right an electric car is very quick. I suspect SEMA will soon see a lot of "kits" being shown off. I think it would be a fun build, and maybe my (someday) second Falcon would be electric.

September 17th, 2019, 09:48 AM
After over 4 weeks of trying to get a ball-park schedule, with replies like "I'll have to check with Lew and get back to you" - then nothing for another week; prompting me to ask again... I finally told the guy yesterday that I thought this "Lew guy" was his imaginary friend. That got a reply. He says I'm about a week out from the crew coming to start the layout and dig.

Fingers crossed.

September 25th, 2019, 10:11 PM
Today it started. After over two years I have now seen movement on the garage. Tomorrow the form guys are supposed to come followed by the form inspection on Friday. Concrete should be pouring next week, I'm told. Fingers crossed.

September 26th, 2019, 04:34 AM
That's great news Roger! Looking forward to seeing the progress

September 30th, 2019, 10:30 PM
They came and set the forms on Friday while I was over in Hansville working on a deck. Had hoped the schedule would be as they said, and they'd have got the dig, the forms, and then the inspection, all done by Friday. I wanted all that behind me so I could head over there having seen it all done. But a delay pushed it all out a day and I couldn't watch the work on that being done.

Got home really late last night so I didn't even get to see what was done (in person) until this morning when the inspector came. Thankfully it passed and by tomorrow this time the concrete will be poured. Yay.

I forgot to take pictures today, but these are those sent to me on my phone Friday night.

October 1st, 2019, 04:44 PM
WOW! Looking great, Roger! :banana:

October 1st, 2019, 09:36 PM
...was the answer given when I asked what the surface was going to be like. What I found out is that to get that required a lot of hurry up and wait. They were here at 8:00 waiting for the truck(s) to come - it required 2 loads - and they were done pouring at about noon and left at 5:30. Between noon and 5:30 was using the BBM (baby's butt machine) to burnish the surface smooth. About 20-30 minutes wait between passes. Looks good though, and got to show off the Ranchero to the crew.

Now I wait a couple weeks for the building crew to get finished on another build. From then it should be non-stop until a building appears.

October 6th, 2019, 09:20 AM
Looking good Roger!
Thats a major milestone. When does the building go up?

October 9th, 2019, 10:44 PM
Looking good Roger!
Thats a major milestone. When does the building go up?

Don - they said two weeks from the pour day, so that makes it sometime the week of Oct 14. I've not heard of any changes, so suspect this is still the plan for them. The concrete guy came on Monday and pulled the forms. I'll post pics when they start building.

October 10th, 2019, 01:38 AM
Excited to see how it turns out.

October 13th, 2019, 08:36 PM
Almost ready to build!
When you get to the part where you’re doing your own work, let me know, my weekends are starting to slow down...happy to get out of the house to help out for a bit!

October 14th, 2019, 08:49 PM
Don, Yes - getting close. I'll post pictures as they occur (the forms got removed last week, as seen). But delays are happening as we speak - of course. It's gone from 7-days from the pour for the framing crew to come, to 2-weeks, now the lead framer is sick, but lumber may arrive Wednesday or Thursday, but trusses are now out to November 3rd unless the contractor can pull in some favors. So, we'll see how it pans out. I'd like to get power in before the ground freezes (I'm told the conduit has to be buried), but may not make it. I've got a heavy extension cord, so I'll get something done in there one way or another.

October 29th, 2019, 12:07 AM
Sorry, couldn't help it.

So the lumber has been sitting here for over a week as I waited for the framing crew (of two) to come and get this building raised. From the concrete pour to this phase was supposed to be 7 days, but ended up being nearly 25 days. Had me concerned it might snow before they got it built.

Had the owner drop by and introduce himself last Thursday and to apologize for how long it's been, but knowing the back-story, can't fault them... as much. He indicated the framer might be here that Friday, but he suspected more likely Monday (today). Well, he came last Friday and got two of the walls framed, but by then the rain and wind came and made it a treacherous day to lift "sails." So they came back today and raised the walls.

Trusses are due tomorrow, so it should be covered building in a couple more days. Not sure how quickly the rest will go, but after 2 years, my head is spinning at seeing progress!

Also found they were having fun with my name. ;)

October 29th, 2019, 10:11 AM
Amazing how much more room yer gonna have, after the single-car space at the old digs.[thumb]

October 31st, 2019, 07:54 PM
That is going to be such a great shop. When does the roof go up?
AND, holy cow those are huge trees. Are those like 100 years old?

October 31st, 2019, 10:41 PM
Wednesday was a pretty productive day, though I knew when the owner of Garages Etc. called me that morning saying he was coming over there was going to be some delay coming. Just knew it. When the framers actually showed up (first) I figured I was wrong about that. NOT! 15 minutes later he came over to tell me he was pulling the guys off for a couple days to go do something elsewhere to save that customer $10K a day in fines of some sort. [rolleyes] The framers still got all the roof sheathing up and fascia so the roofer, who is coming tomorrow, can do the roof. The roofing material showed up just as the sun was setting, and I wasn't here, so will post pics of the finished roof tomorrow evening... or just roofing material sitting up there. Time will tell.

Hopefully the trees are well rooted...

November 1st, 2019, 11:58 PM
Roofers came as promised, and they did a very nice job.

Had a visit today, as well, from the electrician I hired last year to do the 200amp house service panel upgrade and will soon have a couple bids from him on getting power out there. One will be using the company he works for and one with him doing it on his own time and me pulling the permit. As I said to him, "It's not a garage until it has power." Hopefully that isn't an arm and two legs.

Jeff W
November 3rd, 2019, 12:20 PM
Glad to see progress. Do you have something against windows?

November 3rd, 2019, 01:22 PM
Why, yes I do.

November 15th, 2019, 05:35 PM
It's been a couple busy weeks as they worked to finish up the garage. Electrician is coming tomorrow to drop the line and get me powered up. Then I have both electrical and final building inspections sometime next week. Who knows when they come. They show when they show, but that means I pretty much have to be here until they do (see club meeting thread posted today). I have already started moving a few things in (must be kept away from the walls, for now) and once the inspections are done I can start my part of it all.

I've been slowly seeking out things I used to have daily access to at work. The pictures say it all.

November 21st, 2019, 11:12 AM
Yay! The over two year ordeal has finally come to an end. I have passed all my inspections as of today. Not to say there will not be other ordeals, but this phase is over. Now comes a few tweaks, insulation, and then sheetrock. Hopefully I can get all that done (doing this all myself) by Christmas and I'll have a Christmas present under those trees out there.

As you saw in the previous post I picked up a machine lathe (and was given a lot of metal along with it) and last weekend my wife came upon a wood lathe. So whether it be metal or wood, I guess I'll be able to turn it.

November 21st, 2019, 11:47 AM
Hmmm.....:confused: wonder how wood-turned dog-dish hubcaps would look.

November 21st, 2019, 12:17 PM
If I made them? Not too good. :ROTFLMAO:

November 23rd, 2019, 08:06 AM
Very cool, Roger!! I think I've finally got the location of my shop figured out on my place. I've had three big issues - where the power to the house was, where the stupid location for the septic drainfield is at and, the most important from my wife, limit the elimination of views. Now that it's locked down I'll put the final paperwork together and get it to the building department. Trusses are already on the ground in my field so that's a big plus

November 23rd, 2019, 11:07 PM
Roger our new shop looks great! :BEER:
When is the tech day so we can help you finish it off?
I feel a sick day at work coming some time in December...

November 29th, 2019, 10:15 PM
Very cool, Roger!! I think I've finally got the location of my shop figured out on my place. I've had three big issues - where the power to the house was, where the stupid location for the septic drainfield is at and, the most important from my wife, limit the elimination of views. Now that it's locked down I'll put the final paperwork together and get it to the building department. Trusses are already on the ground in my field so that's a big plus

Interesting you had trusses before the rest of it. My trusses were the bottleneck to the process. Almost 3 months for them. It'll be fun to watch another garage going up, so be sure to post your pics too! The forum needs some activity.

November 29th, 2019, 10:24 PM
Roger our new shop looks great! :BEER:
When is the tech day so we can help you finish it off?
I feel a sick day at work coming some time in December...

I didn't know I was building "our" shop there Don, but it will be outfitted nicely, so you'll be welcome here to use it anytime. :)

I'm getting the insulation wrapped up now (brother-in-law is helping with that) as I address other things. I'm just wrapping up the attic storage space and should be ready to rock and mud next week. 9' ceiling, so I'm getting a lift, which should make it goe pretty quick. If it all goes well, which I suspect it should, I should be building work-benches soon after that. Once I have all the construction bits done I'll be calling on Gene (with his trailer) and anybody else (willing to call in sick) to help me move my compressor and big tool chest out of the house and down the drive to the garage. So perhaps mid-Dec?

December 24th, 2019, 10:55 PM
Time has certainly flown by, but as of yesterday I have all the (accessible) walls and ceiling done and primed and a few of the lights are up. Now I can begin making work benches and getting things into place. So early in January I'll start moving stuff (heavy stuff) out of the house and into place. Should be fun. I'm trying to be excited and motivated... but I'm exhausted.

December 27th, 2019, 10:04 PM
Interesting you had trusses before the rest of it. My trusses were the bottleneck to the process. Almost 3 months for them. It'll be fun to watch another garage going up, so be sure to post your pics too! The forum needs some activity.

Kind of an interesting story. There was a guy here in the valley who had the plans drawn up by an architect in 2017 in Yakima. He was going to build the shop with a studio apartment to live in while they built their house. He ordered the trusses in October 2018 and then they decided to move to Colorado instead (that will happen this March). So, I was able to buy the plans and trusses for a little discount over what he paid.

Here's the better part. This guy had an old Jeep he was working on and a Dodge truck. He's a true car guy and his dad has a hot rod type shop out at his place over here. We were talking Falcons and I showed him pictures of mine. On the first trip of trusses that he brought over he had to check out the car and ask more questions. A week later he brings the second load of trusses over and then says "I bought a Falcon". I chuckled. He traded his Jeep to a guy here in eastern WA for a 64 Ranchero. He's asked a few questions, has a couple of my old issues of The Falcon News and is planning on joining the Mile High Chapter when he moves.

December 27th, 2019, 10:06 PM
Time has certainly flown by, but as of yesterday I have all the (accessible) walls and ceiling done and primed and a few of the lights are up. Now I can begin making work benches and getting things into place. So early in January I'll start moving stuff (heavy stuff) out of the house and into place. Should be fun. I'm trying to be excited and motivated... but I'm exhausted.

Looking great Roger!! That's a lot of work to get done.

January 6th, 2020, 12:13 AM
Well, the holidays and some travels related ate up time and, though way more important, doesn't allow much of an update (assuming more than just a couple of you are watching along). I picked up some materials and installed two 30ft lengths of wire shelving, built some shelves I bought at garage sales, and started building a couple work benches. The benches are mostly done with the exception of gluing on the masonite tops. This should happen tomorrow and I can then start organizing stuff and emptying the house of my tools and large items (drill press, compressor, and tool cart - needing Gene and his trailer). Then... I can get the Ranchero out of the wind-blown and slowly failing ghetto garage. The daily wind we seem to be getting lately has made a mess of it out there. Can't wait to get it inside and see how it looks.

Jeff W
January 7th, 2020, 07:58 PM
What are you doing for heat?

January 7th, 2020, 11:16 PM
What are you doing for heat?
The gold and white things you see under the benches are oil filled heaters Lila found for me at garage/estate sales. The gold one was $5 and the white one was $10. The garage is well insulated and so far these heaters, set at fairly low settings, have made it very comfortable out there. This week we get a cold front, so we'll see how it goes.

I need to find a vise I like. I keep trying...

January 13th, 2020, 12:04 AM
Though I came down with some crud right after my last post I did muster some strength while the weather was [slightly] calm to get the compressor moved out of its temporary storage room up in the house. Still have the rolling tool chest to move and a bunch of boxes of stuff (oils, paints, hardware, spare parts, etc.), but getting this compressor in will now allow me to setup the lathe and figure out where to run airlines and other cabinets and stuff. Didn't want to work around more than I had to getting this in - though I did have to let some of the air out of Gene's trailer to get this in on the trailer. By about 1/2".

January 15th, 2020, 09:54 PM
Finally got the tool chest moved down just about an hour before the snow started falling for the next 24 hours or so. So that was good. Allowed me to finally start placing items where they will be. Got the lathe lifted and onto its stand and then piddled away the hours working on the two band saws (vertical and horizontal versions) to get the legs under them stiffened up. Got them both from the same 82 y.o guy I bought the lathe from and it was clear they'd been bashed around for a few years and most of the screws were loose and legs were flopping in the breeze. It's all getting a work-over. The lathe needs a couple belts replaced, which will be interesting work. They both are mixed into the gears of the thing and there is no "easy" replacing of them. And that's why the belts are so far gone... nobody wanted to do the work, clearly.

Next? Garage door opener, air-lines run, glue the tops onto the benches.

January 16th, 2020, 11:02 AM
WOW! All looking great, Roger.

February 19th, 2020, 11:58 PM
... the Ranchero is home. Well, it's been home for over a year, but sitting out in the ghetto garage, which is near its end. Today I finally got far enough done with the garage to drive the car out of the ghetto and into a mansion by comparison.

I then closed all the doors and set off a couple bug killing bombs off. I'll be curious to see how many critters are on the floor under the car tomorrow. When I drove it over to Gene's last summer to do the motor swap the number of them I saw (because the car was essentially outside) while crawling around under the car (and I had to deal with) told me to do this today.

As for the garage itself, I still have two sheds full of stuff that will fill in the shelves on the back wall (mostly all empty still) and other places scattered about. But it is nearing full functionality now, and that's an awesome feeling; allowing me to finally close the chapter on this 2+ year drama.

February 28th, 2020, 03:28 AM
Wow. Looking good!

February 28th, 2020, 11:35 PM
Getting closer to having all the bins and accessories emptied and in place. Most of the hardware bins just moved over from my old place, but their location now isn't as "zonal" as I want them to be, so at some point a lot of that is going to get swapped around and condensed.