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View Full Version : Out of state vendors selling stuff on forum

December 16th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Do we have guidelines on who can and can't sell parts on this forum? Several times now I've wasted time trying to find out about parts listed here only to find out later that they are not local. Pictures or not, I don't want to buy used parts unless I can see them in person. Personally, I think ads within the forum should be for and by club members as we're the ones who keep the group together.

Granted, I haven't done a lot lately myself or joined the FCA yet because I'm probably going to be selling my car next year. But if out of staters are allowed to adverstise here, I think it should be required that they note it in the ad - maybe even for locals as well. I don't want to spend my time trying to get ahold of someone not knowing they're in Arlington, yet another state, when I'm not willing to go that far to look at parts. Just my $.02