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February 4th, 2021, 12:35 PM
Hi all.

I'll be posting te progres on my 64 wagon here.
It will be a mix of work in progress on the car and pics from us on vacation or days out.
Bottom line:
I bought the car in 2001. It had sat for at least 25 years. It looked pretty decent, untill you kow what I mean. Fast foreward sept 2008, the car was re-registred and the fun could start.
I've been having lots of fun and lots of headaches with her, probably very recognisable.
Lets start with some fun from last august. We went on a short vacation to the south east of the country, near the German border. We like to go camping on so called farm camps. The idea is tha you have a small scale camping on a working farm, on some farms you can help the farmer.

Our camp site (the car needed to be parked elsewhere)
On a dairy farm nearby with goats, they also had a nice collection of Citroen cars (in France nicknamed goat)
Visiting a historical farmstead.
The car stood out on the parking lot as usual :)

On the way home, crossing the river IJssel, the banks to the ferry were so steep, I scraped my rear license plate over the ground while driving of the ferry.

February 4th, 2021, 12:48 PM
The weather and the lockdown have not been promotive for family outings, so I started on some things that needed adressing. ONe such are the wheels and tyres. I've been running tyres with just legal therad depth for dsome years and finally bit the bullet on getting the maxxis 185/80R13's with white wall. Since I'm running the 13"dog dish hubcaps I needed to clean up my rims as well. Do a repaint this time in body colour with decent cleaning and clear coat.
But I can only do 2 tyres at once (I have 2 spares), my car needs to stay mobile, because my garage will be demolished anytime this year (so now i'm also looking for a new garage...).
So this monday I had the rims media blasted at work and today I managed to paint them in 2K Epoxy Primer.

Some eye candy:
After media blasting and sanding the last spots
The red spots on the last pic are traces of original primer that media blasting wouldn't remove.



The shed is unheated, so the'll have to sit inside to cure compleatly (we were all kinda stoned this afternoon :p )

Still dubbing if I'll try to fill these spots, or accept that these rims are 50+ years old and can proudly wear their scars. I don't want to mess too much with the ep primer, it came out pretty nice.

Cheers, Rinke

February 4th, 2021, 09:59 PM
Love the wagon! Great to see it over yonder. Looks to be in really great shape and being enjoyed.

As for the rims, I'd leave well enough alone as long as they are coated and the rust removed. And I'm pretty OCD about things, in general. Newly restored wheels and tires on it will be nice.

Miss my wagon sometimes...

May 1st, 2021, 11:13 AM
Hi all,

A little update.
The 2 rims were finished and re tyred. They came out great!

The generator you can see in primer has also been reassembled and installed. Now my car has a functional generator again.
The splash shield was very deteriorated. When I bought the tyres I also looked for a good tyre dressing.I got the poorboys tyre dressing, that I also used on the splash shield. Much to my surpirse the splash shield really benefitted from two shots of this tyre dressing. The cracks were less deep and it was more mallable than before.
I was a nice surpise.

We have the may holliday here and we were planning a short camping trip. Unfortunately I sprained my back on easter and my fysiotherapist advised against spending some nights in a tent.. (I was not too sorry about that, its 10-13 degrees celcius at the moment with some showers. Brrrrr

So I took the girls to the campsite with the falcon today:
7608 7611All set for the harshness of -2 degrees nights. And their view accross the campsite

On the way to the campsite we passed a nice historical garden, it's a nature reserve now with a lot of spring flowering rare bulb flowers.
760976107612The reserve is set in the middle of flower bulb fields, so we were treated on some nice see through spots where the path neared the edge of the forrest.

May 1st, 2021, 11:19 AM
And on my way home I came across this great photo location. I had to stop and shoot some nice photo's.


As you can see the rear tyres are the new ones. After my holliday I'll be changing the front ones and adding the hubcaps, but those need a little polishing before they can go on.

You (almost) can't get it more Dutch than this:
Water, Tulips, Windmills and a threatening overcast sky:


May 1st, 2021, 01:25 PM

Must be so much fun driving your Falcon around in a country where it would be so rare. Here, folks come up and say "I remember when my folks or grandfolks had one of those! I'm doubting you get that sort of a response to yours. Love seeing your posts!

May 4th, 2021, 01:07 PM
Hi Roger,

Yes not many people recognize my car even as a ford.
We starred on some local olditmer spotted sites. Reactions were always of amazement that it was a ford and that it is an original imported car (it was imported in december 63, so it has a 63 dated license plate).

Great was my surprise when I saw a falcon driving on a parking lot at a local oldtimer event. I had just parked mine, and there was an other 64 in almost the same colour driving towards us. After getting over the initial surprise (no it can't be, I just parked her there...) we saw it was a convertible and we had a nice chat with the owner.

Yesterday I went to get the girls early, because the weather today was going to be horrible (and is sure was), but it was a rather bumpy journey.

I thought, lets take a shortcut over the highway and save some time, nope it cost me about an hour extra time.
After passing some cars with about 100 km/h, 60MpH the oil pressure light came on. I had that happen a few years ago and the sending unit had failed, so I went to the emergency lane and shut the engine off. After a little wait, I restarted and the light was still on (the previous time the light had gone out) So I called the aa (my BFF) After a short wait I was picked up from the emergency lane. I'm proud to say I now am responsible for at least one traffic jam, because they shut down one lane for safety reasons :)

While waiting and during transport I took some pictures:
7632Broken down on the emergency lane, It became painfully clear that I need to rewire my led E flashers (the wires were so thin they broke on connections). It is really unnerving watching big rigs come up on you while driving partially on the emergency lane, and hoping they'll spot you in time (I was behind the hard barrier, safety first).

They picked me up and dumped me on a parking lot nearby.
On transport:
7633Usually you're not allowed to stay in the car, but this was a short ride and Covid...

After the set me of, the aa arrived shortly. I had started the engine and saw oil rushing out of the oil pressure sending unit.
The cause of the breakdown was clear, and thankfully not engine internal related.
The guy from the aa fortunately knew similar problems from other oldtimers and plugged the switch from inside with a piece of drill bit and an epoxy filler.
I could continue after checking if the plug was not leaking, it wasn't :BEER:
So after picking up the girs it was a quick drive home and no sight seeing as planned. A new sending unit is already in the mail and probably arriving between tomorrow and friday.

So, form now on, I'll be driving with an extra sending unit in the toolbox just in case.



September 2nd, 2021, 03:49 PM
Beautiful wagon Falcongek, and I?m really enjoying your story.
I have a really good friend from work in Helmond and have been there several times. Beautiful country.