View Full Version : Anyone Running Air?

September 18th, 2022, 10:42 AM
Hello All,

Just recently acquired a '61 Ford Falcon with air suspension, I'm very excited to start my first American & lowrider project. It's complete and runs the way it is, but Im doing more closer inspection and noticed a few things in the suspension setup.

I lowered the car all around and checked the bags and noticed the fronts are offset and are crooked. That immediately made me nervous because I dont think that is how it is supposed to sit (unless it is?). I was hoping that after airing it up that it straightens out, but it doesn't. I'm completely new to Air Suspensions, Fords, and old cars so I have a lot to get familiar with. Can you guys please shed some light as to what is needed to fix this? Please dumb down the explanation so it's easy to follow along for a noob like me lol..

Thanks in advanced for any help!

Front Left deflated:


Front Left Aired Out:


Rears stacked nicely:


Pic of the said '61 Falcon https://www.rainierfalcons.com/forums/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
