View Full Version : Donation

Hal Cogburn
July 24th, 2008, 09:42 PM
I tried to send an email to Kenny via the web page but must have done something wrong...it is not in my outbox so....will try here. I have been enjoying the site for some time and recently officially joined the club. I know with the regionals and such a small club that funds are usually tight and...I would like to make a small donation to the site but not sure how to. I can see where paypal works when joining the club but don't see anything about just a donation....give me some direction and will kick a few bucks your way.

July 25th, 2008, 09:58 AM

You can send that over to my PayPal account. :D OK, maybe not. :(

I'm not sure we are setup to take donations like the TFFN list does. I offered once to do this to offset Kenny's start-op expenses, but it, as I recall, was discouraged. Maybe that all happened in my head, but I seem to recall we didn't want to do that at the time.

When Jeff reads this (he takes care of the finacial parts of this chapter) he'll possibly have more to offer. It may have to do with accounting this income and the whole non-profit part of the club.

July 25th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Hey Hal,

I did get your email. I noticed it last night but it was getting late and I decided to sleep instead.

Thanks for your offer! We will officially accept anyone's money at anytime from now on! If you want to you can just send it to membership@rainierfalcons.com through your PayPal Account. If you choose the PayPal eCheck option it will take a few days to transfer but we won't be charged a fee.

You can also send a good old-fashioned check to the treasurer. His address is on the application for on the "How to Join" page (I don't want to publish it here for the world to see). http://www.rainierfalcons.com/rainierapp.pdf

Just write "Extra Donation" in the notes.

I encourage anyone else who can to please help out financially and support the local chapter. We'll put your money to good use. If everyone chips in a little it will help us grow and remain healthy. If not this will all eventually go away. I just don't have the funds to support it out of my own pocket and there are bills to pay occasionally.

Just like our old Falcons, it takes a little cash now and again to keep the wheels turning.

Thanks again Hal! :BEER: Everyone here appreciates your contribution.

Hal Cogburn
July 25th, 2008, 01:12 PM
Gave it a try...hopefully it worked so let me know if it made it or not.

Hope it helps the cause a little

Jeff W
July 25th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Hal, The donation is in the PayPal account. Thank you, we really appreciate the donation.

Regards, Jeff Watson, Club Treasurer

July 25th, 2008, 11:08 PM
OK... I guess I was wrong then. :o Don't know where I got that from. Might have been a dream, I guess it could have been a dream.