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August 16th, 2008, 07:27 PM
Saturday started out bright and sunny just like Friday did. The show was a great success though a few of us were melting. Kenny and I slaved over the hot grills (so Patrick you were NOT missing that, I'm sure). Had plenty of food and ashamedly (only in America as Kenny said) had to throw a good portion of it away. Nobody could take any home. Anyway, here's a sampling of pictures to whet your appetite for more. I'm inclined to burn a CD for anyone who asks for one rather than posting every picture.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_08regSAT2.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/08regSAT2.jpg)

A shot from the gazebo, which is where I spent a lot of the day. It was cooler there than on the grass.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_08regSAT3.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/08regSAT3.jpg)

Justahair... there's that Comet wagon again for you.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_08regsat1.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/08regsat1.jpg)

Father O'Brian and Brother Mark are such nice people. That's their wagon. We left the show last as he begins to tell me we need to get our acts together and make clubs stronger and improve participation. Couldn't agree more, but I left him with a confirmation that I'm going to give it my best shot to make Rainier Falcons a chapter the national level will be proud of.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_64Sprint.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/64Sprint.jpg)

I've seen this car somewhere before in pictures, but to see it in person... unbelievable.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_64sprint2.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/64sprint2.jpg)

Pretty wide trunk lid to get the roof to slide in there. Took two trunk lids to make this one. Incredible work.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_davecomet.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/davecomet.jpg)

Some of you might recognize this Comet...

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_nathan61.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/nathan61.jpg)

Nathan and Jenn's car was pretty nice. Nathan, hopefully you get that shifter thing sorted out.

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/th_nathan61b.jpg (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y156/whoaaanelly/08_reg_SAT/nathan61b.jpg)

August 16th, 2008, 07:39 PM
Oh... not to toot my own horn or anything....:p but I won the Best 6-cylinder Engine award. :D And 4 raffle prizes...:rocker: Thanks Jeff for slaving over those awards -- they were really well liked and I will proudly display mine!

August 16th, 2008, 08:14 PM
Roger...you da man![thumb]
thanx a million for the pics~~
so...what was the car count?

Jeff W
August 17th, 2008, 08:46 PM
Roger, congratulations on the "Best In-line six". Thank you for posting the photo's so we can all feel involved and motivated. I would have loved to gone to the local show here with the bikes and planes. I was in Wisconsin for the last two weeks being eaten by mosquitoes. I did go to a local show there. Mostly older stock stuff but there was one nice 61 Comet and three airbagged Ratrods.

August 17th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Roger...you da man![thumb]
thanx a million for the pics~~
so...what was the car count?

I'll try to get an official count soon but I heard 58?? We even made a few hundred bucks to go into the fund for future Regional shows. I'll post some pictures I took tomorrow. I was busy with the BBQ but managed to pick up the camera few times.

Very successful and fun event. Special thanks to the Sonoma County and Columbia River guys for doing their parts so well. And especially John G. (toolfool) for being the lead and go-to guy!

AND, we picked up 3 new paying members and I passed out few newsletters and applications. A reminder to join the club, send in your dues and someday we can afford to do a Regional up here. I think the Seattle area would be a good draw!

August 20th, 2008, 10:39 PM
So here's the stats on the show:

The final count was 57 registered cars, 2 no car registrations (person only) and 2 cars in the car corral (for sale). I think 2 cars also came in late and parked on the show field. 2 cars did not show. Also, there were 4 Falcons that did not enter the show but parked by the gas station.

Proceeds from the raffle went to the Northwest Vintage Car and Motorcycle Museum being constructed at Antique Powerland and profits from the show are going into the Regional fund for future shows. Figures are still being calculated and will be published in the next newsletter.

August 24th, 2008, 01:15 PM
I have to say that Louise and I really enjoyed the whole event, even the sideways track event :). Everyone was so pleasant and welcoming to be with. Hope we can see everyone again. We appreciated joining the trip to Salem from Vancouver.

August 24th, 2008, 10:15 PM
...even the sideways track event...

Someone's GOT to have a video of that somewhere! My heart was pounding! I'm glad you kept your cool.

August 25th, 2008, 05:57 AM
Well, the bad thing was that I had never dumped the clutch from a dead stop before, so was not ready for what happened. It wheel hopped a little, then the RPM shot up, I hit second and it shot up again. By this time it started fish-tailing. I foolishly thought I could keep it pointed down the track. On the last gyration, it went too far to the left. That's when I clamped down on the binders. Thank goodness I put disc brakes all around. In slow motion, in my mind, I saw the wall comming and thought "this is going to take the front end off" :). I should have gotten back in line and run again, launching in a more orderly fashion. But, I was upset with myself and decided not to. Darn.


August 25th, 2008, 07:34 PM
I was trying to get multiple shots of you in my camera, like I ended up getting for Powell, but when the crowd all "gasped" I stopped shooting and started watching what they were gasping at. It all happened too fast. But I got two shots of you at the line... anyway [thumb]. You can see one on the Sunday thread.

August 25th, 2008, 11:03 PM
Since i've gotten home I haven't had any problems with the shifter.. crap where's the wood to knock on??

I've made no adjustments so who knows.. My winter plans are to upgrade to a T-5 and loose the column shift..

The ranchero plans on getting a new engine and a 4 speed column shift.. If possible
