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Thread: 2015 Mini Regional

  1. #31
    Looks good! Maybe Pat can get it posted to the home page and link to the page with detailed information like last year. You would have to edit the text. And replace the photos with a few from last year's show if you can grab some off the 2014 thread.

    The only thing I would add is maybe to change the color scheme? Just to differentiate the two shows a bit. Unless that's a big PITA.

    Kenny Likins
    Ballard, Seattle, WA

    `62 Tudor Sedan (`69 200, C4, 8-inch 4-lug 2.79 rearend, Duraspark II, MSD, Weber 32/36 DGEV)

  2. #32
    Very nice Roger! Good job!
    Bill Proctor .. 1963 Falcon Sprint. Looking forward to learning new things.

  3. #33
    To be clear - 90% of this was Joanna's design.

    Kenny - I did swap colors and concluded she had already chosen the best-est color. So - let's just run with it. I'll probably send it off to the national newsletter too.
    Roger Moore

    63 "Flarechero"
    powered by: 347ci stroker | Tremec T5 | 8" 3:45 TracLoc rear

  4. #34
    I understand. Thanks for dealing with this. Like I said, I'm glad to do the legwork on the printing, ordering, mailing, etc. once the files are ready.

    Last year we got the dash plaque's donated but will have to buy them somewhere this time. There are many companies who do these so I'll shop around.

    One big expense was the postcards we mailed to people in the FCA National membership directory for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and a few clubs in California. We should decide if it's worth the money. Jeff may have that breakdown on postage and printing.

    Also, I put a "Save the Date" announcement on the club's Facebook page. I'll post there occasionally to hype it up.

    Anyone want to volunteer to scour the Internet and see if there are car show calendars we can still get listed on?

    Kenny Likins
    Ballard, Seattle, WA

    `62 Tudor Sedan (`69 200, C4, 8-inch 4-lug 2.79 rearend, Duraspark II, MSD, Weber 32/36 DGEV)

  5. #35
    I'll get the banner posted very soon.
    Patrick Brown
    331 Stroker / T5 / 8" / Wilwood Disks / RRS R&P Steering / Megasquirt EFI

  6. #36


    Kenny is right about things costing us more this year. With us losing on the event last year we really need to add an entry fee (even $10-$15) and maybe doing some plaques or trophies to make the event seem worth the entry? If we decide to do this, the fee amount and awards need to be included on the posters and fliers. We need prompt feed back on this.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Mill Creek

    2015 Mini Regional

    IMHO, I would rather not see us add a fee. I do like the idea of trophies added to the event since I think that will draw more entries.

    We knew it would cost some to have this show and if we charge a little for the hot dogs, chips and drinks it can help a bit. (beer kegs are probably out?? just kidding.) It would be my hope that we can get different sponsors to pay for the trophies.

    I agree that this would need to be decided ASAP and if we all concur I would work on getting the trophies or at least be the focal.
    Larry Smith
    1964 Futura
    347 stroker

  8. #38
    I'm concerned that losing money each year is not going to get the club to it's goal of a national event and that the club is really a micro-business which should only be in the red maybe only the first year or two. I believe we lost about $150 last year and the dash plaques were donated. This year the dash plaques could about cost $1 each times 100. Hot Dogs is an unknown income and a small entry fee of even $5 could put the club on the plus side and maybe profit on the food and Raffle. I am trying to think in a business sense.
    I think it's great that you offered to head up the awards and food.
    Free events would be great as long as the club would not keep losing money.
    Please keep in touch.

    PS Larry your PM folder is fill.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    For what it's worth I just visited several falcon sites hosting regionals or minis or whatever and every one of them charges an entry fee. They range from $15-45. I do think there must be some incentive if we are to charge a gate fee.
    That being said I think we would have a better turn out with no charge gate fee.
    I thought the end result from last year was not bad?? How far in the hole did we go? If we had a few more people helping out we could do much better. I like the idea of vendor sponsered trophies. Hell I'll do at least one from my shop!!
    I'm sure Griots would do one. Maybe I can include that when I start contacting the big vendors from last year?
    Anybody up for a mini planning meeting/tech day/meet an greet? Maybe on a Saturday to make it easier for me to make it over.
    Ok enough thinking for now let's here your thoughts and ideas time to get rolling.
    Last edited by doghows; February 8th, 2015 at 06:30 PM.
    63 Sedan Delivery
    5.0 HO EFI AOD 8" rear

  10. #40
    I like the free show angle. On the other hand, a $5 or $10 fee at a show never bothers me as I realize it takes money to put it on. Some people are put off by it. But, I really doubt we would lose any participants because of a small fee.

    As long as someone is willing to put in the legwork for the trophies I think they would be OK. But they can't impact the budget unless we vote on it. I'm not sure that we actually have a budget for this year's show but there was one last year and there was nothing for awards other than a "Longest Miles Driven" cash award.

    Having said all of that, Monte Brachmann said they've always intended to keep the show free and not give awards. He's with the Columbia River club, who hosted the first two shows. When it goes back to them next year the tradition may not continue.

    Kenny Likins
    Ballard, Seattle, WA

    `62 Tudor Sedan (`69 200, C4, 8-inch 4-lug 2.79 rearend, Duraspark II, MSD, Weber 32/36 DGEV)

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Federal Way
    If the fee is just for those entering with their cars, it's hard to imagine very many that would mind $5 or $10. However, just in case someone either a) actually doesn't have or want to let loose of the money, or b) simply objects on principle (since their car will be part of the attraction), why not just make it a "suggested entry donation" ? That way, for everyone that doesn't pay, you might get someone here and there to kick in $20 instead of $10.
    Don Bartlett
    Federal Way, WA
    61 Four Door Sedan
    144-6, 3 on the tree

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Here is a high level wrap from last years expenses...

    2014 Mini-Regional

    • Insurance $100.00
    • Calendars $253.63
    • Raffle supplies $30.65
    • Printing - Flyers $10.94
    • Printing and mount - Posters $55.40
    • Printing - Post Cards $27.86
    • Postage $83.55

    Total Costs $562.03


    • Raffle $376.00

    Total Income $376.00

    Final: -$186.03

    Additional items not in above calculation:

    We did sell $71 worth of the License Plates - Probably about $45 - $50 profit. I don't know how many were sold, and as club members receive a discount, that level of detail requires algebra with three variables.

    Kenny was able to assemble and sell a few extra calendars: $57.18

    If you want to include that activity - we are only down about -$80...

    The Long Distance Cash Award was covered by our Columbia River Comet and Falcon Brothers


    Nice job on the artwork Roger. Thank you for taking that on.

    My opinion is that we should keep it a no charge gathering. We each pay dues to keep the club going so it is more like a non-profit with a subsidy by the active members.

    If it gets to heavy, it stops being fun and more like a job. I already have one of those.
    Last edited by Jeff W; February 8th, 2015 at 10:54 PM.

    Jeff Watson
    Seattle, WA
    '63 Tudor Wagon (170 - 3 spd.)

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Mill Creek

    2015 Mini Regional

    At the show I attend at the Maltby church they must give away 50 trophies. They are all donated by business sponsors and it must take a whole lot of time to get those each year. That said, we don't have to give out a large quantity of trophies.

    If we gave out one to the best 1960, 61, etc and then a few more to best paint, chrome, engine etc. we could get by with 15 at the most. I will start right now to get those if the officers want to give the go ahead. It is up to them, and I will accept any decision they make.

    If the Southern Falcon brothers don't want to keep it going I would understand.
    Larry Smith
    1964 Futura
    347 stroker

  14. #44
    This show is a club sponsored, but not a national sponsored event. We need to keep this in mind. The goal of this show is to prepare ourselves for the national response - be it a regional or national meet. If we can't work though an unofficial meet, how can we take on an official meet? But also keep in mind that we would, in that case, receive national monies to hold an event and entry fees and judging apply. We are on our own here to finance the show and make or loose money at our own risk.

    But primarily, it shouldn't be a burden to do - to anyone. Many of us, I know, paid [an entry fee] to make this show come to pass... in the red. Meaning some of us spent money out of their own pockets to supply raffle items, for instance, or hours of their own time, to make this show a possibility. I'm sure the $50 'long-distance award' from the Columbia group came from their club funds - just as the Rainier club has sponsored awards at regional shows elsewhere.

    So in that sense I feel we need to maintain the KISS method to this show. If you don't know what that means, Google it. When we get into trophies and judging the show looses a lot of its focus for some of us, which allows people to come and hang-out and enjoy the day looking at Falcons and meeting their owners. I know, for myself, the show day was a blur. It was over and I realized I never got to really look at the cars or talk to anyone.

    Though it is true we don't want to go into the red you can't really charge much without making it worth the charge. Few organized shows are free. Those that are free see it as a marketing event, which this is for us. I'm sure Churches hosting car shows see it as an evangelical outreach to justify the free entry. Which this is for us as well. I think our goal, and that of the Columbia chapter, was to show the region that there is a local and national Falcon membership and presence. And to get them involved. And hopefully get enough new members active in the process so when it comes time to hold a big event the weight of it isn't being shouldered by 4 or 5 people, which is too often the case.

    We did really well last year. Surprised most of us, I think. I feel if we try to expand on it we'll loose that. My vote is to keep it free, keep it simple, offer a long-distance award (which maybe should always be maintained by the club not running the show), and offer raffles supplied by members and sponsors to add something you can take away from the show. Any profit or loss should be absorbed in the interest of drawing more members, which in the end puts us into the black, and increases our active membership.
    Roger Moore

    63 "Flarechero"
    powered by: 347ci stroker | Tremec T5 | 8" 3:45 TracLoc rear

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    My vote would be to keep it as we did last year: no entry fee. I like the idea that was discussed at the last meeting: to supply eats and charge enough for them to recoup their cost and a bit more. I don't feel the need for trophies, either. Let's just keep it as "a gathering of Falcon owners".

    Gene Smith
    Fredrickson, WA
    '65 Ranchero Deluxe
    302, EFI, 4-Spd
    Granada Discs

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